Posts Tagged ‘Multi-level marketing’

I know I spend far too much time at my desk at home messing around with all my internet marketing businesses, but obviously time spent is money in the bank, so I certainly don’t mind the effort.   But at the moment my office is totally different, I am lucky enough to be out of town for a few days and enjoying relaxing in my caravan, something I should do much more often.  The funny thing is though, my laptop is never far away and never turned off, the lure of another customer is never far from my mind!!

But the difference is the therapeutic nature of sitting outside in the sun, listening to the birds chirping, watching ducks waddle by my caravan, hearing children playing and adults chatting.   Compared to my office at home, this is bliss.   Why don’t I do this more often, I hear myself say?   I am still doing my internet stuff, some money is still trickling in just the same as if I was at home, and I am still getting through the same workload as if I was sitting at my desk.

But the real joy of it all, is that at the end of each day, once I have processed all my data, done some advertising, written a blog post, and checked on my sales from the previous day, is that I don’t actually feel like I have even been working.   This has to be the answer to working at home, but not even being there.  This is so relaxing.  I want to do this permanently, but alas the sales aren’t quite where they should be for me to afford to do that yet unfortunately!!

But who cares, at least I have the enjoyment of being able to get out of the rat race and find some peace and solitude away from the masses, and still get to do what I absolutely love – Internet Marketing.   I was thinking last night as I lay in bed listening to all the various wildlife at play outside, about how far I have come with my online presence in the past 5 years, and more so how far I have leapt in the last 10-12 months.

Like all newbie internet or affiliate marketers, when I first started I struggled to understand what I was really supposed to be doing, or even know where to start.  Luckily though I am not a quitter, and now with all the scams and fake get-rich-quick schemes safely behind me, I am really getting my feet under the table.   And loving it!!   I guess with all failures comes success, if you are persistent enough, and I have been through all the rough times and wasted a lot of money getting to the stage I am at right now.  With experience comes wisdom, and one certainly learns how to recognise all the scams and pitfalls around the internet marketing arena, especially after a few years of trial and error.

I am lucky enough to have persevered and come out the other side.  I have found the programs that will pay me like clockwork every month, I have also filtered through the many advertising sites and found the ones that work for me.  I have even written an e-Book about one of the programs I am an affiliate of (Strong Future International), and am in a position of experience within that program.  As a Team Leader I coach and mentor those in my downline (nearly 2000 odd), much of it for free.  This is so rewarding, not only in the monetary sense, but in the feeling of helping others who are struggling the same as me when I first started.

Tomorrow I will release to them an amazing new advertising platform I came across and joined a few days back, and already has earned me well over $100, all for about a total of 10 minutes work!!  This is the stuff I love, finding something new that works and then passing it onto my team, so they succeed also.   Yes of course there are commissions for me when I give them the link, but hey, I am an internet marketer after all, that is how I get paid.   But so will they, as soon as they see the benefits of what I introduce them to (and I always test these programs before I off-load), they will send to their downlines and recoup their original outlay almost immediately.

But getting back to my main reason for this post, I am doing all of this from the comfort of a camping chair, outside my caravan, in the sun, and very soon also with a beer in my hand!!  Tough gig, I know….

So if you need to escape the humdrum of sitting in your office or being wall-bound wherever you may be, I thoroughly recommend trying something like I am experiencing right now, even if it is in a tent or a motel with a view, anything that is different.   You will be amazed at how your mind thought process changes, you will feel so relaxed, and if you are like me, you will still have put in a full days work without even realising it!!

So don’t procrastinate, just do it.   I am going home soon, but I am planning my next ‘therapeutic getaway’ already.   We owe it to ourselves!!

Take care, until next time.  Cheers!!

Brian Rooney,

Succeed with Brian